You can apply for an Ike Barber Transfer Scholarship after one year of full- time study if you MUST transfer to complete your degree or, after two years of full-time study, if you CHOOSE to transfer to complete your degree.
A wide range of funds from BC Credit Unions are available through their local agency. Check out the list attached.
A list of available grants, scholarships and other non-repayable financial supports.
Each year BCSTA selects graduating B.C. public school students who have displayed exemplary citizenship within their school and community as recipients of the Scholarships for Student Citizenship.
The Beedie Luminaries Scholarship is for students with potential who are facing financial adversity. Students who are smart, but constrained by circumstance. Students who are resilient and gritty. Students who are ready to make a positive change in their lives.
If you’re applying to CapU as a new student, you can also apply for the entrance awards. Scholarships, bursaries, and awards are financial assistance that you don't have to pay back.
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, student success at Coast Mountain College (CMTN) is supported by easing financial burdens and rewarding success through our CMTN Awards, Bursaries & Scholarships program.
The Awards Guide shows the scholarships, bursaries, and awards available to current and incoming CNC students with over 200 opportunities worth $175,000 available annually.
Over one million dollars in money available through this Agency
The Society offers Indigenous Award programs for students pursuing post-secondary education in BC. They are available to students who identify as Indigenous – First Nations (Status or Non-Status), Métis or Inuit. All are renewable in order to provide sustained funding over multiple years
To help support our young members in furthering their education, Interior Savings has introduced The Million Dollar Bursary as a component of our Member Rewards program. The Million Dollar Bursary will provide up to 1,000 post-secondary bursaries, each valued at $1,000, to students between the ages of 17-24 years old.
Interior Savings has made a commitment to providing this bursary for 10 years (2014-2024), representing a total funding pledge of up to $10 million.
The Jack Davis Scholarship is awarded annually to the most outstanding all-round North Shore secondary school graduate to assist in his or her entering the University of British Columbia. It was established to commemorate the many contributions of the late Honourable Jack Davis, P.C., to Canada and British Columbia.
The District Awards Program is made possible by the community. Many individuals, service clubs, and companies in the Prince George and Central BC area donate scholarships and bursaries to recognize student accomplishment.
The School District would like to thank the many donors who contribute to the 150+ different awards, with a value of over $150,000 that are available through our District Awards Program for our graduating students!
The provincial scholarships program recognizes student achievement and encourages students to pursue post-secondary education.
The goal of the bursary is to support socio-economically disadvantaged individuals who typically would have a household income of $80,000 and below. In addition to financial support, recipients will join the Northern Pathways to Healthcare bursary program which includes enrichment, mentors, and academic support throughout their undergraduate degree.
The purpose of the fund is to help those who were in provincial care reach their educational goals.
They have developed a diverse set of scholarship programs worth over $500,000 a year to help address the critical need for students funding across Canada. Please review the site to see which scholarship is right for you
Bursaries are a supplemental source of funding for students with demonstrated financial need; that is, they should not be treated as your primary source of funding.
Bursaries are available to Canadian and International students. You should be aware that you may not be awarded a bursary every term. Due to the high volume of applications received each term, payment of funds to eligible students will be processed in the middle of the term of application, after the tuition payment deadline. We encourage you to plan accordingly.
Our scholarships are for students who demonstrate curiosity, creativity and community changemaker capabilities. All scholarships go towards Shad program fees and have been provided through the generosity of Shad’s donors.
Open to support women taking a program in Sprott Shaw’s Business Faculty.
TCF Canada is pleased to launch a new needs-based bursary program to support the educational dreams of high school students across Canada.
TELUS Student Bursaries are awarded annually to more than 400 students who are experiencing critical financial need and are committed to making a difference in their communities.
This link will guide you to review a listing of scholarships, bursaries and awards offered at UNBC, the selection criteria and application periods for the academic year. The information is subject to change and the availability of funds.
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